Five Steps To More Mindful Finances

All right, 2017, let’s get down to business. If you followed my advice in December and set your goals for the year, it’s time to take the next step and talk about becoming more mindful with your finances. There are a plethora of helpful how-to books and blogs on personal finance, but far more important to your financial well-being is improving your relationship with money. The behavioral side of money is much harder to understand and control.

Best Practices for Using Mint

Spending your money in the right way starts with understanding how you’re spending your money. Reviewing credit card and bank statements or using an online expense-tracking tool will help bring awareness to how you’re spending your money. If you don’t currently have a system in place, I recommend you give Mint a try. Check out my recommendations for best practices with Mint.

6 Steps to Setting Better Goals

After a whirlwind holiday month packed with loads of people and activities for which I’m very grateful, I found myself short on time for reading and writing. Who knew applying to public kindergarten in New York City was so complicated?! In this month’s quick-fire Fiscal Therapy, I hope you find the following tips on goal-setting helpful as you set your sights on 2017. Happy New Year!